Exploring Sustainability Across Borders
For the past three months, our English elective course has been deeply engaged in the topic of sustainability, collaborating with our partner school, Frida Skola (Gothenburg). This exciting project culminated in a joint visit to Graz, where students had the opportunity to explore sustainability in action.
During our time in Graz, we gained valuable insights into sustainable living and business practices. We visited Zerum, a sustainable fashion store, enjoyed eco-friendly dining at KF Erde and Swing Kitchen, and learned about sustainable urban development at Stadtlabor Graz. Additionally, we explored ways to become actively involved in sustainability efforts with Oikos International.
This project has been an eye-opening experience, highlighting the importance of responsible consumption, ethical business practices, and community-driven sustainability initiatives. A huge thank you to Malin, Johanna, Alex, Thomas, Naomi, and Kali for making this incredible learning journey possible!
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